Unlock the secret power of cryptoart

2 min readApr 3, 2022

The first tool Varda brings to the NEAR NFT ecosystem is immutable unlockable content for all NFT artists who mint on Paras and Mintbase the two most used NFT marketplaces.

Paras marketplace stats for last week

The main point of non fungibles’ success was the introduction of real virtual ownership for unique tokens.

The creative side of virtual ownership is that you can make of it whatever you want, and attach to it your own, self built, value.

Using the Varda Vault you can link any kind of file, landing page, discount code for your shop or patreon, to your NFT token on the near blockchain: the Vault verifies ownership using the near wallet and links the secret content to your NFTs, allowing your community to access it with a simple “unlock” button.

The link is immutable, using the filecoin storage technology and the easy NEAR wallet interface for a straight experience, no tech knowledge needed to attach the content, just your imagination and the value you wanna give to your very own web3 community.

Simple as that, and free for everyone, thanks to a revenue stream based on API requests to our graph API.

All artists are invited to the Varda Vault, to unlock your own creative world through the concept you intend to give to ownership, making you part of this new, global experiment that is cryptoart.

Here is a tutorial for Creators that want to use Unlockable content.

Here is a free canva banner template ready to customize for your collection.

Send your collectors to our interface to redeem the secret content after buying your NFT on the major marketplaces of the NEAR ecosystem, Varda will demonstrate her appreciation for each creator’s contribution, like she did with the first airdrop to NFT owners.

Stay tuned for our next foolish experiment!




Near blockchain galdrastafir NFT tools and P2E game